Make Ghidra Great Again for IDA Users
Background For the past few months or so, I was actively solving CTF challenges and building tools around handling various esoteric binaries. As someone who was heavy IDA user for years, Ghidra wa...
Background For the past few months or so, I was actively solving CTF challenges and building tools around handling various esoteric binaries. As someone who was heavy IDA user for years, Ghidra wa...
Background For the past week or so, I have spent significant amount of my time on creating an auto solver for ctf challenges based on radius2, a symbolic execution framework written in rust. It wa...
Background Recently Hex Rays released a reversing challenge called “Free Madame de Maintenon” and this is a brief write up that documented the process of solving it. Challenge File ➜ file cha...
Background There are several publicly available java compilers (jadx,jd-gui etc.) and one of my favorites is BytecodeViewer. It is a nice gui tool with various decompilers and plugin support. It i...